Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thoughts On Writing | The L.W.A.

"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."  
- William Wordsworth

"The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, 

this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps 
us regain our equilibrium. " - Norbet Platt

"Ink on paper is as beautiful to me as flowers on the mountains." 

- Terri Guillemets

As makers of fine stationery, we're especially fond of others who share our passion for the art of letter writing. This week we're delighted to feature The Letter Writers Alliance, a Chicago, Illinois organization that promotes the art of letter writing through social gatherings and other events.

Founded in 2007 by Kathy Zadronzny and Donovan Beeson, with over 3,000 card-carrying members and many more unregistered fans, the L.W.A. mission states:

"In this era of instantaneous communication, a handwritten letter is a rare and wondrous item. The Letter Writers Alliance is dedicated to preserving this art form; neither long lines, nor late deliveries, nor increasing postal rates will keep us from our mission."

To that we say, "Write on, sisters."

Inspired? Click here to view our stationery offerings and learn about receiving 25 pieces free.

Photos: Isabel Gonzalez

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